Recording Engineer/Composer/Producer
帰国後 作編曲家ユニットaikamachi+nagie また ANANT-GARDE EYESとしてTV-CM、アニメ、ゲーム、映画やサウンドトラックなどの作曲やミキシングまたCD楽曲,
最近ではVOCALOID™3「IA - ARIA ON THE PLANETES」の開発やMax/MSPなどを駆使したアルゴリズミックなサウンドプログラミング、彼のドラマティックな音作りにとても定評があるように、自身の打ち込みを駆使して作り上げるサウンドコンポージングから生楽器のレコーディングそしてダイナミックなミックスまで、いわゆる音の入り口から出口までに彼のこだわりの音の世界を作り出している。
作曲家藤倉大が考える「La Nature 」ラ・フォル・ジュルネ・オ・ジャポン(2016)
東京芸術劇場音楽祭 藤倉大プロデュース
「ボンクリ」“Born Creative” Festival (2017, 2018, 2019)
藤倉大 オペラ「SOLARIS」日本初演 (2018)
藝大21 藤倉大プロデュース
「音楽を作る力が驚くほどアップするエンジニア耳の鍛え方 プロ・エンジニアが指南する実践的イアー・トレーニング」 (DVD-ROM付)著 「ボーカロイドを思い通りに歌わせる本」著 リットーミュージックより発売中。
Recording Engineer/Composer/Producer
Started Career working at synthesizer artist KITARO's He became chief engineer After that,he worked at STUDIO TAKE ONE then worked freelance. When he was 25 years old he became chief engineer at "WORLD BEATS" dance music production studio. Here he was immersed in club music,developing new ideas and techniques. At that time his band "JUPITER PROJECT"made it's debut on TOSHIBA/EMI records.
He became chief engineer at "SYN" a company formed by "Duran Duran"(from England)singer-Simon Le Bon and composer-Nick Wood. Whilst working at SYNProduction, he recorded more than 300 pieces of TV commercial and film sound-track music for well known clients such as Coca-Cola and many others. He also worked with Simon Le Bon, Julian Lennon, Maxi Priest, Janet Jackson and David Sanborn.
After working at "SYN" for 6 years he decided to became independent, first traveling to,and working in Brazil to experience and learn more about that country's music .Then on his return to Japan, he formed the aikamachi+nagie ANANT-GARDE EYES unit with composer Ai Kamachi.
His world is not only composing song but also creating sound.
He uses Max/MSP for algorithmic composition, creating synthesis and orchestral recording.
His sound is dynamic and dramatic,
because he has long carrier of recording engineer .
His perfect world is obsessiveness from the input to the output for the sound.
Dai Fujikura the artistic director of the La Folle Journée au JAPON in 2016 and Born Creative Festival in Tokyo Metropolitan Theater for 2017.Nagie has been
Electronics Sound Design.
Vocaloid "IA" . Vocaloid is virtual singer software, and Nagie developed this vocaloid library
called " IA -ARIA on the planets". Nagie is used special singing technics just only developer knows with it.

photo by Seiji Okumiya